United Kingdom (National)

  • Specification: MagazineAds_1v4 (by GWG)
  • PDF Standard: PDF/X-1a:2001
  • Crop Marks: Required for ads with bleed
    • Binding: Perfect binding

Convert to CMYK using these settings:

Display Fixed Sizes

For WIRED Time Supplement Specifications please click here WIRED Time Supplement Specifications

For WIRED World Specifications please click here WIRED World Specifications

Live matter & type safety: Allow 10mm from trim and 13mm from bleed

Double gutter image: it is the file creator’s responsibility to include double gutter image allowance, if required. Neither Condé Nast nor our repro house nor our printer will apply double gutter image. As a recommendation only: no type should appear within 6mm either side of the gutter on a spread. If other important elements run through the gutter on a spread the middle of the spread should have a duplication of 6mm contained within the trim areas.

  • Full Page

    Trim: W 203mm x H 276mm

    Bleed: W 209mm x H 282mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 183mm x H 256mm

  • Spread

    Trim: W 406mm x H 276mm

    Bleed: W 412mm x H 282mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 386mm x H 256mm

  • Each page must be supplied as a separate file
  • Spread Left Page

    Trim: W 203mm x H 276mm

    Bleed: W 209mm x H 282mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 183mm x H 256mm

  • Spread Right Page

    Trim: W 203mm x H 276mm

    Bleed: W 209mm x H 282mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 183mm x H 256mm

  • 1/2 Spread

    Trim: W 406mm x H 136mm

    Bleed: W 412mm x H 142mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 386mm x H 126mm

  • Each page must be supplied as a separate file
  • 1/2 Horizontal

    Trim: W 203mm x H 136mm

    Bleed: W 209mm x H 142mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 183mm x H 126mm

  • 1/2 Vertical

    Trim: W 99mm x H 276mm

    Bleed: W 105mm x H 282mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 89mm x H 256mm

Gatefold Cover

For more information on the Gatefold specification, please click here

Double gutter image: it is the file creator’s responsibility to include double gutter image allowance, if required. Neither Condé Nast nor our repro house nor our printer will apply double gutter image. As a recommendation only: no type should appear within 6mm either side of the gutter on a spread. If other important elements run through the gutter on a spread the middle of the spread should have a duplication of 6mm contained within the trim areas.

  • PDF 1 - Back of Flap 1

    Trim: W 192mm x H 276mm

    Bleed: W 198mm x H 282mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 173mm x H 256mm

  • PDF 2 - Flap 1 + Inside Front Cover

    Trim: W 392mm x H 276mm

    Bleed: W 398mm x H 282mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 373mm x H 256mm

  • Must be supplied as one file
  • PDF 3 - Single Page

    Trim: W 203mm x H 276mm

    Bleed: W 209mm x H 282mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 183mm x H 256mm

Right Hand Roll Fold

Live matter & type safety: Allow 10mm from trim and 13mm from bleed

Double gutter image: it is the file creator’s responsibility to include double gutter image allowance, if required. Neither Condé Nast nor our repro house nor our printer will apply double gutter image. As a recommendation only: no type should appear within 6mm either side of the gutter on a spread. If other important elements run through the gutter on a spread the middle of the spread should have a duplication of 6mm contained within the trim areas.

  • Right Hand Roll Fold

    Trim: W 562mm x H 276mm

    Bleed: W 568mm x H 282mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 542mm x H 256mm

  • Must be supplied as one file

4PP Right Hand Throwout

For WIRED Time Supplement Specifications please click here WIRED Time Supplement Specifications

For WIRED World Specifications please click here WIRED World Specifications

Live matter & type safety: Allow 10mm from trim and 13mm from bleed

Double gutter image: it is the file creator’s responsibility to include double gutter image allowance, if required. Neither Condé Nast nor our repro house nor our printer will apply double gutter image. As a recommendation only: no type should appear within 6mm either side of the gutter on a spread. If other important elements run through the gutter on a spread the middle of the spread should have a duplication of 6mm contained within the trim areas.

  • Front Spread

    Trim: W 381mm x H 276mm

    Bleed: W 387mm x H 282mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 361mm x H 256mm

  • Must be supplied as one file
  • Back Spread

    Trim: W 381mm x H 276mm

    Bleed: W 387mm x H 282mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 361mm x H 256mm

  • Must be supplied as one file

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